Chocolate coconut ice cream popsicles

The combination of coconut, chocolate and ice cream is a match made in heaven! Wonderfully cooling and they also look nice!

About 15pcs.


  1. Heat the coconut cream and add the La Vida Vegan white coconut spread until dissolved.
  2. Add the remaining ingredients and mix until smooth.
  3. Fill the ice cream molds and put the ice creams in the freezer.
  4. After about 15 minutes insert the sticks, the mass is now thick enough to hold the stick in place.
  5. Let the mixture freeze for at least 10 hours. And… attack!


  • 1 jar of La Vida Vegan white coconut spread
  • 300 ml condensed coconut milk
  • 400 ml coconut yoghurt
  • 250 ml coconut cream